An unsettled week

What did I work on this week? It's more like what didn't I work on. I started a lot of crochet projects, but none could really keep my attention.

There's a skirt.
Two shawls (the brown I'm unhappy with the drape. By the way, that's an E hook).
A dress.
I even did a bit of plastic canvas in the form of an e-reader case and the kitty purse. And started a fuzzy scarf (not pictured.)

I additionally bought more yarn stash. I local yarn store is closing at the end of the month and I took advantage of their 50% off sale. Most of this is cotton. The green is a superwash wool blend and the orange/brown is merino. I'm going to see if this is the one wool I'm not allergic to. It's also where I got the e-reader case.

Then today, a friend called and told me there was yarn at a yard sale. I went and picked up this. The one on the bottom right contains 30% wool and I swear it made me itch (there was also a dog around which may have contributed to my reaction). I also got three books and a beanie baby (Eggs 2004).

Now there's my attention dilemma. What do I work on and will I find something that will keep my attention? I love my cross-stitch but I get too attached and can't sell them. The job search is starting to look up but still nothing concretely long-term yet. 


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