
Another blanket

 I started this a while ago. The Marcelle afghan. But I was running out of yarn on the final round. Put it away for a while. Then forgot where I put my pattern. Found it again. Frogged everything and redid it with a smaller hook. Also messed up on round 71 four times and didn't realize it until round 73... There were only 74 rounds. 2nd pic is it on my queen bed. Now to pick a new project...

Some blankets

As it's been cold out, I've been crocheting. This is my first attempt at mosaic crochet. Pattern it's Hobbii's Peacock Delight. I used a cake of twister and two twister solids. Pretty easy once I understood what was being asked. Also took the leftover anniversary cakes from two blankets and made these giant granny squares. Here's my last order of yarn for the foreseeable future. Ordered in December so it's not going against my New Years resolution. And Clyde, in his treetop.

2021 Year in Review

2021 sucked just as bad if not more so than 2020.šŸ˜… Last year's goals: Other than a New Year start, work on cross-stitch WIPs. Finish at least 2 crochet/knit kits in my craft closet (of doom). Officially pair hand-dyed fabrics with no background cross stitch patterns. Edit my 2020 NaNo novel and try and get an agent/manager for publishing. I realize I could self-publish, but I will probably also need representation as a screenwriter. Finish/polish my Leverage spec script I wrote this summer. Preferably so it is in the Leverage 2 universe. Of course that needs to be released, but I guess I can work out some plot kinks in the meantime. Something I can't fully control, write a script that will place in a contest. Did I complete them? I started an ornament. I completed it so it at least didn't add to my WIP count. Yes. I just happened to have thrown more stuff in that closet. Mostly? Started over in November and need to finish it. I started Version 2 for the reboot. Changed som...

Bit of a catchall

 Clearly I haven't been posting too much. Lots of other things I'm doing and not as much crafting. As it's colder and I won't overheat from crocheting. I put Royal Games II away. I'm about halfway done with the stitching. Made these three Halloween shelf sitters. Using the anniversary cakes, made this blanket. I'm currently working on another one in brown and red. And this is the Western Skies afghan that's been in my stash since before I moved. And Clyde:

A finish

Apparently parking my butt on my couch for the Olympics resulted in Royal Games I being completed. The beading alone took me almost three days. Onto Royals Games II.  

A month of stitching updates.

I haven't updated in a while. Oops. Started with Cirque des Circles. Switched over to Once Upon a Fairytale for a while. I was stitching along and got to an 09 in the blue which looked odd. So I ripped out most of the 09 I had already done and restitched. By that point I wasn't into the pattern anymore. Started a new one Lord Melton the Stitching Dragon. I didn't get very far because of all the quarter stitches plus being somewhat braindead that week didn't mix. So onto RTO's Tango. Worked on this for about two weeks while trying to finish the latest draft of a script. Finished the draft and now want to work on something else. So I picked up Royal Games I just now. Also got a dragon on a spellbook. Rather large at 18x18.  

Fabric pairings

I've spent several days sorting, photographing, and trying to pair my hand dyed fabrics with my no background patterns. Pairings subject to change, but this is what I got for most of the physical patterns. I'm undecided on these: Also decided on the fabrics for my planet dragons (plus sun & moon)   I'll make another post (or several) for the other ones I'm still deciding on. In the meantime, I'm going to clean up my floor...