Let's get started shall we...

Let's start this crazy train off on the right foot. Which is the foot the woman starts with in ballroom dancing 'because the woman is always right'. Ok, bad joke, but I didn't make it up.

Hello, my name is Katie, I'm an electrical engineer, and my two main hobbies are ballroom dancing and sewing (both fabric and cross-stitch). I've combined the two by trying to make my own ballroom dresses. They've turned out pretty well despite my occasional fudging when things didn't go quite as I thought.

I'm a silver level dancer focusing on american smooth and international latin. I've dabbled in rhythm and know salsa, merengue, and a bit of hustle.

On the sewing front, I recently received a serger for christmas which should make my seams and hems much nicer. I've also started today, my next dress. A latin dress of purple rain chrisanne fabirc and french draped white fringe (32" starting length) I'm hoping to have it done by the end of feburary, march at latest.

My cross-stitch patterns fit under one of two categories, really detailed, or of a subject matter I really like. Favorite desighner is Teresa Wentzler who unfortunatley is not designing anymore. :( I usually tend towards fantasy although I've found a line of dance patterns by John Clayton. Need to get the last 3 in the series.

Well, those are going to be my main topics of this blog. Although I'm sure my cat Onyx will make an appearance from time to time.


  1. Hi, i enjoyed reading your blog so far. Just thought you should know that Teresa Wentzler is still designing. She sells her charts on Patterns Online.
    Hugs Janine

  2. Yay! I had heard she was stopping a while ago and was going to shut down that portion of her site. Guess she changed her mind?


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