Christmas in July

My progress on Dragon Carousel, almost finished with page 1.

And here's an ornament finish. Unsure if I'm going to bother stiffening it with glue and adding the felt backing. 

And I spent all day today on the beading of this. Now to cut it out and add the hanger. 

Ended up with an overnight on my work schedule and made the majority of this table topper during it. Needs just a bit of blocking.

Came across this little guy in the subway during the week.

Now for my stash from the Christmas in July sale at 123stitch. Which has made me switch my focus from working on projects that used my stash of thread to small quick finishes. Mainly ornaments.

In my defense, my shopping cart was initially around $400. I severely cut back from everything I wanted.


  1. They had so many nice things on sale! I purchased several as well. Great choices and great finish on your ornament. Good luck finishing the page on Dragon.


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