point five percent

Current progress on Once Upon a Fairytale (.5%).

I've started using Pattern Keeper on this one because my print out it unreadable on some tiny symbols. So far so good, but I will need a tablet to fully do a piece with the program. Was trying to use my old kindle fire, but the operating system is too old. Currently researching cheap androids so I don't have to deal with putting Google Play on it. Suggestions welcome.

As I'm going to have some free time, is there other content you'd like to see from me? On the days my dice roll has me inventorying my stash, I figure I'd make a post about some of the yarn/fabric I'm not sure what project to make with it. Suggestions welcome, even if I would have to spin it off into another blog.


  1. It's your blog post whatever makes you happy. Beautiful progress on this one. As far as I understand google play is the operating system for Androids and you would have to have it installed to have a working android. Good luck finding the right thing you need.

    1. Found an old 10" sumsung tab 4 at my parents tonight, so score.
      I'm pretty sure Android is an operating system while google play is the app store. Granted I don't know what would happen if you somehow deleted the app that gets you all other apps.


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