2020 year in review

 Yeah, so this year sucked. 😂 Plans were definitely derailed.

The goals I set were as follows:

  1. Stitch from stash using my dice method of picking projects
  2. Complete a cross stitch that's not an ornament
  3. Get in better shape
  4. Find a job
  5. Edit my 2019 Nano novel and attempt to publish it.
I did #1 and #2, almost had #4 (but Covid derailed the first one and they chose someone else for the 2nd), and I attempted #5. I at least started to edit, but as part of my novel was supposed to take place in the present I didn't really want to work on it.

I rolled my dice to select projects 60 times. 47 were new starts, 30 in May. Finished 5 cross stitch, scarves, and 4 other crochet items. Second half of the year was not very crafty.

So goals for 2021:
  1. Other than a New Year start, work on cross-stitch WIPs.
  2. Finish at least 2 crochet/knit kits in my craft closet (of doom).
  3. Officially pair hand-dyed fabrics with no background cross stitch patterns.
  4. Edit my 2020 NaNo novel and try and get an agent/manager for publishing. I realize I could self-publish, but I will probably also need representation as a screenwriter.
  5. Finish/polish my Leverage spec script I wrote this summer. Preferably so it is in the Leverage 2 universe. Of course that needs to be released, but I guess I can work out some plot kinks in the meantime.
  6. Something I can't fully control, write a script that will place in a contest.


  1. Great job in 2020 and I wish you lots of luck in 2021!

  2. Great work on your goals, even though some were a little out of your reach for this year. Just gives you something to aim for this year!
    I agree with getting an agent rather than self-publishing if you want to get into mainstream bookshops and websites. Booksellers can tell a self-published book and the quality is usually very poor, unfortunately.


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