Dragons. Lots of dragons.

Trying to get back in the habit of stitching. I chose Dragon Writer from Charting Creations as my New Year's start. I've decided I'm not going to start a new cross-stitch until I have 2 done. I only have one more brown folder to store a new start in.

Also, this was my final finish of 2020. A dragon shawl to chase the year away.

And Clyde. He was very entertaining New Year's Eve. Even let me grab his head for scritches. The first photo is him after I finally stopped.

I've also been a bit remiss about the patterns and fabric I've added to my stash. I really should make a decision on pairing them together. I'll make that a project one weekend or something.


  1. That dragon shawl is epic! It would go so well with my dragon wrist warmers if you need a home for it! Send your beautiful black cat to deliver it LOL

    1. Thanks. I think I'm keeping it for a while. However I will make you one if you want. Even change up the colors if you want a different colorway. Clyde however will not be making the delivery. My parents freak out if they can't find him (he's usually sleeping somewhere and ignoring them)


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