Back to (Alternative) Reality

So to pick my project, I pulled out my drawer of WIPs, closed my eyes, waved my hand and then dropped it. Whatever project it landed on, I would work on. Turns out it's Alternative Reality. Got 16 rows done this week (only upside to still being out of work).

Also had this little guy land on my project yesterday. I had it on my hand, went to get my phone and just as I was about to take the photo it flew off. Finally landed on my couch where I snapped the photo. Got it back on my hand and somehow managed to open my window and screen and get it to fly away. Not sure how it got in in the first place.

And Clyde likes to jump in open cabinets. Silly cat.


  1. Ladybugs are very mysterious in how they get into our house too. Great work on AR and my cat does that as well. :)


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