
So this is all I got to for Waterfall Dragons before developing a crick in my neck for a few days.

Which led to going back to this until it started getting a little too warm.

And then starting this which is a wedding present for a former co-worker. She chose the yarn and pattern. I was worried the pattern would get lost in the yarn, but it's turning into a nice gradient.

So, not sure what Clyde was looking at here.

But I did get him on TV for Black Cat Appreciation day.

Speaking of work, I will no longer have a job by the middle of November. A contract was not renewed so my services (along with about 150 other people) will no longer be required. The closure many people, including governors in two states, weighing in as a local TV news outlet will be disappearing.

That being said, I've started job hunting again. Any help would be appreciated and I will really have to stick to my "no stash buying" rule I tried to implement earlier this month...

I did sign up to be a sales rep for Lilla Rose hair styling products. I found these clips several years ago and just love them. They come in various sizes, designs, and they hold my very fine hair without an issue. Some of the ones I own. I shall try to make this my only post about this here, unless I come across something needlework or dance related.


  1. Hope you can find another job quickly and love that Clyde got on TV. Beautiful colours on the crochet projects!

  2. Beautiful colors. Good luck on your job hunt. Love the hair clips. Sorry I have short hair and don't need them. The bottom one is my favorite with the butterfly and the dangling parts.

    1. Thanks. If you know anyone who does, please send them my way. I created a facebook page called Katie's Lilla Rose Hair Clips too.


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