That didn't last long

So I finally started the Study of Planet Earth CAL because it was cool enough to have my window open at night for a few days. In the middle of week 3, but not sure if/when I'll pick it up again. I don't want to get overheated working on it.

And participated in the 24 hour challenge. Tried to stitch for 24 hours over a 48 hour period. Got to 22.5. Would've made the 24 if I didn't have something to do Tuesday. Ate into my stitching time.

So before...

...and after. 36 rows, 2,880 stitches.

As for the title of this post, remember last week when I said I would try to not buy anything for a while? So that lasted like a day.

And these are not helping reduce what's in my craft closet (of doom)


  1. Wow fantastic progress and I just LOVE all your new dragons. My favorite is the one with the bookshelf and the dragons with the open book. Beautiful choices though on all of them.


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