A Lanarte week

Turns out I only stitched Lanarte kits this week. Caught up with the Mystery SAL, although I still have to do the part that came out Friday.

Then I started this one.

Here's where I was before the 24 Hours of cross-stitch weekend. I did 24 hours of work. Mostly with slippery gold threads.

Isn't this so pretty the way they presented it? I don't think I've had a kit wrapped in tissue paper before.

Also did a tiny bit of jewelry making. But I need a better set of tools. I'm supposed to cut that thick chain, but the clippers I have barely clip the wire.

Pattern suggestions welcome for this thread. It's size 5. I thought it would be size 10 when I ordered it. I guess I can make doilies, but not sure.

And Clyde was being silly this week. Not sure what this pose was about.


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