Page finish

Finished page 3, was really having trouble getting through the last 10 rows.

Some new stash. Still waiting on something I ordered before this. It may be lost. :(

I'm going to participate in Camp NaNoWriMo's July session. Going to take a first pass at a Leverage script and a romance novel that popped into my head while trying to figure out the script. Wish me luck. Novel will only have a 25,000 word goal.

And some cute pictures of Clyde.


  1. Wow, you did blow the Stitch from Stash budget LOL Gorgeous new charts though.
    Your cat is gorgeous too, I love black cats.

    1. I kind of gave up with not buying stash. I'm trying to be good, but quarantine has made me need to do something. Probably also why I'm bouncing between projects so much.
      He knows he's handsome. He's actually my second black cat. Onyx was my other one.


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