Stitch Maynia Days 24-31

Stitch Maynia has come to and end. I started 31 new projects. 16 with only whole skein amounts known, 11 kits, and 4 HAEDS.
I stitched about 184.5 hours during the month for an average of just under 6 hours a day.

I'm going to try and focus on WIPs now. I've renumbered my dice rolls and instead of starting with a D12, I'm rolling a D6.

Day 24: Tango

Day 25: Mosslord
Day 26: Looking Glass

Day 27: El Vaquero

Day 28: Gracious Era

Day 29: Little Princess Snow

Day 30: The Minstrel

Day 31: Legends of the Dragons

And I created the video below for Day 31, with a recap.


  1. Congratulations on a successful Maynia. You have some beautiful designs here.
    Would it be possible to include the designers' names? I recognise the Just Nan and Teresa Wentzler but I would love to know who designed the Looking Glass piece. Thank you!


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