2012 in review
I started this blog one year ago today. I figure I might as well sum up the past year. While I feel 2012 was a bad year for me in general, it was a good year for my crafting. These were my resolutions for last year: 1. Lose another 10 lbs. 2. Finish at least one cross-stitch project that I have in my stash. 3. Organize my craft closet. While I didn't complete #1, I did lose a few pounds. They all came off the first two weeks in December while I did nothing but work on my crafts in my bed while watching Murder She Wrote via Netflix. Go figure. As for #2, I exceeded this goal by finishing five cross-stitch pieces. Granted three of them were acquired after I made that resolution and weren't in my stash... I really outdid myself if you count all the scarves I made. I did complete #3, everything was nicely organized and put away. Then I got more yarn and it got messy again. Oh well. As for my blog, I got over 7,500 views. My most popular posts were my opinions on Dancin...