
Showing posts from September, 2016

DWTS Season 23: Week 3

Odd formatting, but okay... Babyface vs. Jana Babyface. He looked stiff. Stepped through the routine. I agree with the scores. Jana. I liked this one better. I actually saw triple steps. I agree with the scores. I agree with the decision.   Rick vs. Vanilla Ice   Rick. Paso by the numbers. I like her dress. Too high. Vanilla ice. He was more into the dark vibe of the song. Had posture problems. Too high. I agree with the decision. James vs. Ryan   James. Not too much content. Needed more hips on the Cuban breaks. I agree with the scores. Ryan. He walked through it when he did move. I agree with the scores. Neither had much cha cha, but James did the technique better in what I did see. I agree with the decision. Terra vs. Calvin   Terra. Pretty. I agree with the scores. Calvin. He moved. More than some other male contestants. I agree with the scores. I have to give the round to Calvin. They were put...

Row 3 is finished

Finished row 3. Only one more to go. I broke down and bought things this week. Figurines for my collection and new stash because Herrschners had things on sale I couldn't pass up. First my stash: Now my figurines:

DWTS Season 23: Week 2

Tv week! Maureen. It was a little too bouncy for a Quickstep. It needed to move more. Needed to be closer in hold, too upright and far apart in the hips. I think she got off time right before the pose. I'll give her the scores, performance was better than last week. Jana. She looked uncomfortable. Felt too high, tango should be low with bent knees. He was pulling her through the routine. A little high. Rick. Stiff and hoppy, didn't travel. Too high. Calvin. The height difference makes moving a bit difficult as she can't match his stride. But he wasn't too bad. Smooth but would've liked him to use those long legs. I'll give him the scores. Urkel! Amber. That didn't look much like a Viennese. It felt small. I agree with the scores. Jake. It was sharp. Not too bad with the new yorkers. But they got off time and missed a few connections. I agree with the scores. Vanilla ice. Cute. Walked through it a bit. Had some smooth par...

Almost 11

Finally made a Saturday post! Also almost done with the page. And here's a few photos of Onyx. I have an odd cat. 

DWTS Season 23: Week 1

Cool opening. I love Tom. Who needs a teleprompter. Marilu. That was much more careful than I was expecting from her. Hid the lack of movement by dancing on a box. She's excited about 7s? I guess I'll the her the score. The rest of the night will price if that was high or low. James. Better than I thought he'd be. Stance looked a bit wide. Room to improve. We'll see how he does with Latin. I'll give him the scores but a tiny bit high? Calvin. Not bad. Technique wasn't good. But it was fun. A little high? Maureen. A little staccato with her arms. They stayed in hold which helped her keep up and on time. She may have trouble with Latin. I stunt think she was that much wise than Marilu. Babyface. He didn't really do much foxtrot. She danced around him the entire time. Too high. Amber. Not bad. Stepped through most of it. Frame/ posture needs work. I agree with the scores. Vanilla ice. Very little cha cha. Mostly hip hop. ...

Slowly progressing

I had a busy weekend again. I did take the photo Saturday in preparation of posting earlier today, but alas, I got distracted. I did get furniture delivered to my apartment. So I at least have a couch and a bed there. Will put the bedroom together once that room is painted. And manage to get my rug under the bed as well.


Page 10 is complete, and I've already started on page 11. The chart is only 16 pages and after this one, none are full pages. So it will go a bit quicker? The comedy show was really funny. I had tears running down my face from laughing so hard. I then was gambling after the show (I won some money) until about 2am. So I was pretty exhausted today. I'm surprised I managed to get this written.