DWTS Season 23: Week 3

Odd formatting, but okay...

Babyface vs. Jana

Babyface. He looked stiff. Stepped through the routine. I agree with the scores.

Jana. I liked this one better. I actually saw triple steps. I agree with the scores.

I agree with the decision.  

Rick vs. Vanilla Ice
Rick. Paso by the numbers. I like her dress. Too high.

Vanilla ice. He was more into the dark vibe of the song. Had posture problems. Too high.

I agree with the decision.

James vs. Ryan
James. Not too much content. Needed more hips on the Cuban breaks. I agree with the scores.

Ryan. He walked through it when he did move. I agree with the scores.

Neither had much cha cha, but James did the technique better in what I did see. I agree with the decision.

Terra vs. Calvin
Terra. Pretty. I agree with the scores.

Calvin. He moved. More than some other male contestants. I agree with the scores.

I have to give the round to Calvin. They were put they're because I'd the height differences. I agree with the decision

Amber vs. Maureen
Amber. Not enough hips in the actual salsa. I agree with the scores.

Maureen. Also not moving her hips. I'll give her the scores.

I agree with the decision only because Maureen had a traditional salsa.

Laurie vs. Marilu
Laurie. I liked it but I'm worried about the hold break and lift. I agree with the scores.

Marilu. Too far apart in the hips and more tentative. I agree with the scores.

I agree with the decision.

Overall, I think the judges got it right just basing the night on each pairing and not looking at everyone in an overall ranking.


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