I've gone crazy again

Or rather insane. Started with 10 rows on the page, now at 40.

I've also started thinking of a rotation for next year. So far I have the following:
  1. The Accolade (GK)
  2. The Arab Tent (GK)
  3. Insanity (GK)
  4. Cinderella and the Prince (retired HAED)
  5. Fantasy Triptych (Wentzler)
  6. Black Stallion (HAED)
  7. Dragon Carousel (Allison)
  8. Best Friend (Allison)
  9. Stroke of Midnight (Wentzler)
  10. Alternative Reality (HAED)
I'm thinking of adding a new one of a HAED I purchased directly from them that I already have the material for. Preferably in a color family different from the others. That narrows it down to Dragon Dancer, 4 Heavenly Beasts, Chase, and Tempest. Current colors are dark, brown, green/sky blue, beige, purple, red/gold.


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