
Very pink.

I started this 11pm New Year's Eve and have completed 50 rows. Slightly over half the page. This is far less confetti that Alternative Reality so that might explain why it's going so fast.

By the way, this is the fabric. 29x36 including margins. Why did I choose one of the largest HAEDs?

Got this one as my Loyalty chart from HAED, Lackadaisy Affinity.

Also purchased a lot of afghan patterns from Herrschners with my birthday coupon. I'll take a photo of them when they arrive. Also won a knitting book from a contest I entered.

And Clyde didn't quite know what to do with the crab.


  1. I just love pictures of Clyde. He looks so much like our Xander, who we lost about a year ago.

  2. What is the name of the new start?


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