DWTS Season 27: Week 8

Semi finals.

Dedication dance round. 

Bobby. Awkward movement, not much salsa. His suit is the same color as her hair... Too high.

Alexis. Looked and felt like a viennese waltz. It was also danced in one spot instead of traveling. Too high.

Joe. Points for the lifts but he barely did anything. Too high.

Juan Pablo. Finally a dance with content that was done well. I agree with the scores. 

Evanna. I liked it. A little repetitive in the movements at the beginning. I agree with the scores. 

Milo. I liked it. Danced well. I agree with the scores.

Judges choice round. 

Bobby. All over the place and while the kicks and flicks were decent at the beginning, they got wilder as the dance went on. Too high.

Alexis. She seemed to run out of steam at the end. A little high.

Joe. Well, it was better than week 1... Too high.

Juan Pablo. Could've used more hips. Foot placement was a little wiggly at times. I'll give him the scores.

Evanna. Still fast for a foxtrot. Left elbow in frame looks a bit odd. Little high.

Milo. Knees were too bent through most of the dance. I'll give him the scores.

Going home are Juan Pablo and Joe. 

Joe I agree with. Why is Juan Pablo out? 


  1. I asked the same question about Juan Pablo
    WHY?? He was my pick from show 1. I have waited for your post to tell me WHY he was eliminated!!! Judges LOVED him. They were shocked too!!

    1. Fans got complacent? Bobby has a massive fan base?


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