DWTS Season 28: Week 2

Let's see how everyone does with a different style. Will it help, will it hurt?

James. Not sure why they showed their tango practice in the package... Not bad. Needed more hips but his Cuban breaks didn't look as awkward as they could have. A bit too much switching places with spins. A little low given what I think is coming.

Sailor. Rumba by the numbers. Too many pauses and the only place I saw hips was the cucarachas. I felt like she walked through most of it. A little high, but I'll give her the scores.

Ray. He forgot the beginning. In hold, not horrible. But didn't feel right. Song was not a foxtrot. Too high.

Ally. Felt a little staccato when she went into the waltz. When you get going in viennese waltz you just flow. Her head was back, but body contact could've been better. Footwork looked a bit messy when the camera was on them. High for me.

Mary. Not good. Forgot the choreography. And what she did remember wasn't done well. Too high.

Lauren. Pretty good. Could've attacked more to match Gleb's intensity. Her head seemed too far forward. I'll give her the 6's.

Sean. Um, no. Walked through it, knees need to be bent and the song was so not a tango. Too high.

Karamo. He needs to work on his frame, his elbows were dropped rather than a nice top line. It was fun, but a bit all over the place. Tad high.

Kate. Better than last week. Just a little too upright in hold. I'll give her the scores.

Kel. It looked like samba if samba technique was created by a hip hop dancer. Too high.

Lamar. He walked through it again and had more bounce than the sambas tonight. I guess I'll give him that score.

Hannah. Not bad. Felt a bit off the music a bit at the beginning for me. Not too much in hold. I'll give her the scores.

Bottom two: Ray and Mary. I can understand them both but others I'm surprised aren't here first.

Going home is Mary. Not a shock, Latin didn't suit her.


  1. I totally agree with Mary being the first one to leave. She appears to be a dear sweet lady.


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