Rolling the dice

So I made the baseball to go with the basketball.

And then the dice had me inventorying one of my fabric drawers. It was filled with remnants, linings, and over four yards of a stretch leopard. I figured I had projects in mind for the lining fabrics, and possibly the leopard. This isn't all of them, but it'll give you a good example of what's in my stash.

Next roll brought me to a box. I knew which one I was going to work on, and it was right on top. So, one plastic canvas kit complete.

Next project was Spirit of the Black Leopard which was my vacation project last year. I finished the first page.

And now I'm back to Once Upon a Fairytale.

I'm not doing good sticking to not buying stash. A rare 54% off sale at HAED allowed me to buy PDFs of most of my paper charts for less than the upgrade price. Which I couldn't use anyway because they were bought from a different retailer. And then I bought 3 new ones.

And Clyde. Because he's handsome, and found a new place to sit.


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