SFS2015 - January

Month: January
Spent: 0
Earned: 0

First log-in post in 2015. Yay! I've mainly been working on peacocks.

But I also made this guy.

Also just bought a lot of out-of-print sewing patterns from McCalls/Butterick/Vogue/Kwik Sew. I have the worst time with their site when this sale comes up. Several patterns I wanted were out of stock by the time I managed to get my browser to not crash while perusing the patterns. Managed to cut my original # in half.


  1. Congrats on sticking to $0 for the SFS for January, ,and I love that Zebra, so cute. Is he in the Etsy shop?

    1. Thanks. He's not in there just yet, want to make a few tweaks. There's a few things I've been meaning to put up there but haven't gotten around to it.


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