DWTS Season 22: week 5

Switch up time! With Maks as a judge!

Wanya. He looked hunched over a bit. I know tango requires bent knees but he looked bow legged. Watch the posture in hold. I'll give him the scores.

Kim. It took a while for her to start to dance. But there wasn't much basic steps. Not worth 8s.

Doug. His frame was bad. Bent over and butt out. Not worth 7s for me.

Ginger. A little too much shimmying. But she kept the fringe moving. I agree with the scores.

Antonio. Fun but the cha cha was rough. Too high.

Paige. I liked it but she needed more hips. But not much syllabus steps. I'll give her the scores.

Von. His footwork was horrible. Very flat footed. Too high.

Nyle. Not bad. It did expose a few technical weaknesses. I don't know if it was worth 10s.

Jodie. That song made it hard for me to see paso. I'll give her the scores. 

No elimination as they don't make someone go home based solely on the switch up scores. That being said, Doug needs to go home followed by Antonio/Von.


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