Tale of 2 patterns

As the 24 hour challenge has me working on pieces based on time, here is the difference of 8 hours between a piece with 3 colors and one with moderate confetti.

And here's the overall progress between the two.

Also started 4 Horses of the Apocalypse which has been in my stash forever (15th pattern I entered on my thread spreadsheet). Originally planned for 18 ct, but it is perfect for a scrap piece of 28 ct.

Earlier shot with pencil eraser for reference. I think I'm a little crazy doing this 1 over 1 without parking...

Working on Triptych again. After I finish that I have 2 left, Spirit of the Black Leopard which is coming on vacation with me, and Waterfall Dragons which will be another new start. 81 pages, but the last column and bottom row are very skinny, so 64 and change?


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