Stitch Maynia Pairing Day 1: Purple Dragon

 HAED's Purple Dragon was initially on a black background.

I bought the no BK, because I really didn't feel like stitching all that black. However, that does open up the possibility of other colors.
I happened to have a piece of Picture This Plus' Crystal Dawn. And with the magic of photoshop, voila!

Not bad I do like the sparkly, however, it's hard to tell from the photo, but there are green undertones. I'm not sure it will go well with the purple.
I did order a piece of 25ct black lugana and will save the sparkly piece for something else.


  1. Oh what a beautiful chart. It's pretty on that fabric but I don't think it pops enough. With that beautiful design I think you want it to pop.

    1. Yeah. Which is why I'm just going to stitch it on black.


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