Stitch Maynia Pairing Day 5: Rudolph

Say hello to Rudolph.

First possible pairing, a solo cut I'm calling sage. I like it, but not in love with it.

I also paired him with a red background of Queen of Hearts. A little too intense and may clash with the reds in the piece.

And lastly, for the heck of it, Violet Splash. This just doesn't feel like Christmas.

Maybe something closer to snow/sky?

Different green?

Hmm... Those two are possibilities, but the solo sage is currently the front runner.


  1. The sage is pretty but honestly for some reason I love the red. It seems like the reds are inside other stitching and it would work. Just a thought though. What a cute pattern.

    1. I just got a different red I may try. It's a little more purple.


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