To new beginnings

Well, maybe not new on the cross-stitch front. Still working on The Accolade. I finished 11 more rows this past week. The sleeve has a lot of color changes. I now have 109 rows completed out of 425 making me about 25% complete on this piece. Another 3289 stitches completed and an estimated 380 hours of work so far. I don't know how much longer I'll keep working on this piece. The dark background is starting to get to me but at least by going across all 6 pages it's kept my attention. There are way too many pure background pages with nothing interesting going on in them in this piece.

I went dancing for four hours last Sunday. Ended up not being able to move well until Thursday when the muscles around my hips/butt stopped hurting. I realize they end up being sore when I'm not using proper technique or am dancing on bent knees for a while. I may end up going to this party while I'm going to school unless I can find a practice partner.

Tuesday is the start of classes for me. This should hopefully lead to a career where I'm not bored or wanting to bang my head against the wall. First class is script writing for fiction. Wish me luck.


  1. Excellent work on Accolade and hope you're feeling healed! Good luck with your classes. :x:


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