1/4 done

I finished page 3 & 4 of In the Garden. Given there are 16 pages to the chart, I'm now a bit over 1/4 of the way finished with the piece.

But I will not be continuing with page 5. I made a stash splurge. I ordered this from abc stitch as it was on clearance:

And also these from sew and so.

The last three were designs I had wanted for a while and they complete my John Clayton dancers collection. At least until he releases another one. Anyway, they're here and have been tempting me for days. So I started Waltz earlier today.

Remember the lovely skein of purple/green yarn I showed you last week? I made a ball out of it.

The colors are less appealing in this form. But still interesting. The 'ball' itself, it's more a cylinder at this point, is about 4 inches in diameter and 5 inches long. I'm just glad it's fingering weight and not worsted.


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