Waltz progress

I finished a little over a quarter this week. I forgot how quick a stitch these are.

I think spring has finally come to my area. It's finally reached above 50 degrees for more than one or two days. I register for my summer and fall classes Tuesday and I'll be finished with my Masters in December. I'm still in the process of applying for internships. If I don't manage to get one for the summer, I'll be applying for extra work. I'll at least get on set and will be able to observe the 'creative process' of filming.

In the meantime, I've signed up for Camp NaNoWriMo, which is like NaNoWriMo but I can set my own goal. I've decided to turn my '11 NaNoNovel into a script with a goal of 20,000 words. Wish me luck.

I also completed one of my new year's resolutions. I ripped my CD collection to my computer. There are still a few outstanding disks (the one's in my car and another CD sleeve) but 95% are now digital. Yay.


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