DWTS Season 20: Week 2

Chris. Not good. Bent knees, heel leads, off timing, no hips. It looked disjointed.
I'll give him the scores.

Suzanne. Very basic but more shaking than actual Jive. Feet needed to come together more, they stayed too far apart the entire time. Also her knees were too bent during the flicks. Too high.

Robert. He looked slightly hunched and the facial expression got annoying. I'll give him props for getting the choreography. I'll give him the scores.

Charlotte. I don't think she did one step properly. You don't pick your knees up in cha cha. Too high.

Michael. He walked through it and he needs to tuck his butt under. Little too high.

Rumer. New Yorkers need a little work and her spins looked choppy. I didn't see much hip action. I agree with the scores.

Redfoo. Fun but wild and messy. Too high.

Willow. Nice but there were a few hiccups with transitions. A little high but I'll give it to her.

Noah. More country than samba. Eh, I'll give it to him. But too high for not really a samba.

Nastia. It was done well but there weren't too many basic rumba steps. I don't know if I would give it 9s.

Riker. There wasn't much in hold. Except for the spinning. I don't know it can really be called a foxtrot. He stayed in place a lot at the beginning. A little too high for me.

Patti. Too much bounce for a salsa. Not much salsa either. Too high.

Apparently Redfoo isn't as popular as the model.I think she's the first model to make it past the first elimination.


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