DWTS Season 24: Week 10 Night 1

The redemption dance. 

David. He looked rushed and flat footed. His butt was under better. They gave him one of the easiest dances to redo. Too high. 

Normani. Interesting outfit choice for a quickstep. But it was good. I agree with the scores. 

Rashad. Much better than decks although I felt he was a bit blank in that face while in hold. His footwork was actually good in this dance. I agree with the scores. 

Why did the guys get the easiest ballroom dance while Normani got one of the hardest? 

Freestyle round. 

David. I found it kind of entertaining. But very simple and a bit repetitive. too high but I'm not surprised. 

Normani. Thank you for basing this dance around a ballroom style. I agree with the scores. 

Rashad. Fun. His feet were back to being pretty bad. A little high for me. 

We shall see who wins tomorrow night. 


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