DWTS Season 25: Week 3

It's guilty pleasures night and they seem to have opened it up beyond a specific song.

Opening was a bit all over the place. 

Drew. He still needs to watch his feet. Too high for me. 

Derek. Not very good. I saw heel leads and the lack of hips made other things look weird. Not much cha cha. Too high. 

Victoria. Not bad. But too far apart and head position was too upright. Not worth an 8.

Vanessa. Cute. Alan had an easy dance. I did see some differences between her and the troop but it wasn't too difficult choreography. I'll give her the scores for execution. 

Nikki. She was too upright in hold and didn't have enough body contact. Especially since it was 50 shades of grey inspired.  Too high. 

Frankie. Footwork wasn't bad but he only seemed to do half a bounce. Too staccato and no hips. Too high. 

Lindsey. Cute and fun. I would've liked her legs together a bit more. I agree with the scores. 

Sasha. She really didn't do anything. Funny at times but not much dancing. Too high. 

Nick. Still don't see the connection between 80s workout videos and rom coms. Still not one of the best dancers especially when surrounded by pros. Too high. 

Terrell. That wasn't very good. Either salsa or hip hop. I don't know what the judges saw. Too high. 

Jordan. The music really threw me for thinking Charleston. Well executed but wouldn't really fit the dance. Too high? 

No elimination this week. Probably because of 2 last week? Will we see a double later in the season?


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