DWTS Season 27: Week 2 - Night 2

Time for some gambling, Vegas night is here.

Juan Pablo. I liked it. They did some swing. His rise and fall was a bit hoppy but so was the music. I'll give him 8s.

Milo. Back was curved, possibly because of the height difference since his knees looked too bent. 8s for the posture but it was a good dance. 

Danielle. Not much Quickstep. She looked more lost than usual. Too high.

Alexis. No hips during basic salsa. Too high.

John. He walked through it, didn't see much jive. Cute routine, but not a jive. too high.

Demarcus. Song was an odd choice. His left arm seemed to be too high. Something was off. Too high.

Joe. He seemed behind on everything except the trick with the glasses at the beginning. Really obvious next to 3 professionals. Too high.

Evanna. She tried but things were just a bit off through the whole routine. Either too much or not enough. Too high.

Bobby. I was too distracted by what was going on behind them to really pay attention. But I have a feeling it was not very good. Too high?

Nancy. Felt a bit paso by numbers. Too high.

Tinashe. Pretty good. Locksteps and Cuban breaks were a bit wonky but the rest was good. I agree with the scores.

Mary Lou. No bounce, no hips, seemed to be the same move throughout the dance. Too high.

While I'm not surprised by bottom 2, I know others should be there too.

Going home is Danielle. I agree, she would continue to have a hard time learning the dances with her disability. 


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