Back to knitting

Finally back to working on this afghan. I'm almost done with the 3rd repeat. One more after that than making the border, which ends up being knit, then sewn on, and finally crocheted.

Saw Clyde, he wasn't happy about the flash.

And in NaNoWriMo news, I used up my extra words on Tuesday because election night coverage was insane. I was utterly exhausted and never quite recovered the rest of the week which made my word count miserable Thursday and Friday. Almost caught up this weekend. I like the graphs they're giving us but I don't see the little widget I used to post.

Probably bought a few things I didn't need to giving the end of my current job on Friday (yay for unemployment?). Like the HAED Christmas Addicts packet. And took part in the Lilla Rose Stylists Black Friday. Want to check out my Facebook page? I might try for a live video to show what I got.


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