DWTS Season 28: Week 8

Interesting opening, ala 90s sitcoms. 

Sean. That was so jerky it was hard to watch. And he was the only one not opening his arms up at the beginning. Too high.

Lauren. Fun, but she messed up in a few places and her swivels looked weird. Who can't do swivels? I'll give her the scores but maybe 7s. Considerably better than Sean.

Kel. More hip hop than salsa. Too staccato for the bit of salsa I did see. No hips. He had more hips in the preview he was doing for the kids. Not a 10. Barely 9. Too high for me. 

Ally. Pretty good. A few leg actions looked a little odd from an aesthetic perspective. I'll give her the scores.

Hannah. Her frame got progressively more upright as the dance went on. She usually dances on her toes and feels very high, so the Quickstep suited the way she usually dances. I still find her annoying. I'll give her the scores.

Kate. While she was having fun, because most of the dance was mirrored, it was real easy to tell when she didn't match Pasha. She lost a bit of energy at the end and the choreography was a bit repetitive. A bit high given the mistakes.

James. Was the video supposed to speed up near the beginning? A little odd, but that was not in their control. Loved it. I agree with the scores.

Dance off round! 

Kel vs Ally. Ally had the cleaner footwork in my opinion. But the judges liked Kel.

Sean vs Kate. No contest. Kate hands down. Judges agree. 

Lauren vs Hannah. Lauren looked uncomfortable and was a bit too low for the one hip section to be sexy. Hannah did better in my opinion. Judges agree.

Bottom two are Ally and Kate. Why is Sean still here? Even my supervisor was shocked he was still in the competition and thought he left weeks ago. 

Going home is Kate. Not terribly upset, but Sean needs to leave. 


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