
And the knit afghan is complete. Despite having to frog the border twice and losing 2 days of work in the process. Eventually I just started to sew it to the edge, then continued knitting it when I realized I needed more. Will be delivered to the recipient soon.

And I made another 'Yes, Yes' shawl. Made with Unforgettable in Polo. Will make another one in Winery shortly.

Have written over 40 thousand words so far for NaNoWriMo. Clearly, my daily word count became much more consistent after the end of my job.

By the time many of you read this blog, the Lilla Rose black Friday sale will be on. Lovely hair accessories and the flexi clips can double as shawl pins. Please visit here:

For dealing with my sales pitch, here's Clyde deciding to give me some entertainment during dinner.


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