more cats

An update on 'cats, cats, cats'. It's almost halfway completed. At least in terms of where on the chart I am. I believe the chart to be bottom heavy with the cross-stitches while the top has a bit more of just backstitching as indicated by the heart and randomly placed black squares.

I did not get my dress back from my teacher so pictures are still not available. I'll have it Tuesday, I hope. I have to wear it Saturday and I still have a few things to do once he's finished stoning it. I did have it on last week and it moves really cool.


  1. Looking good Katie. Cant wait to see pics of THE dress.


  2. Great Progress! You are moving right along.

  3. Sounds like the dress is gonna be a winner, Katie. Good work. And Cats, Cats, Cats is coming right along. Keep it up, and you'll be done before you know it!!


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