The dreaded craft closet of doom

It has the makings of one of those closets you see in cartoons that they open and are soon buried under an avalanche of stuff that falls out. The bottom would be there soon if I keep piling stuff on it. The bags are filled with yarn, one nearly finished crocheted skirt, and fabric. The cabinet on the right has most of my cross stitch (except the projects that I have out, some more yarn from finished projects, and some sewing patterns. The bag on top contains my crochet hooks, and 'thread' for that type of crochet and a few crochet books. Maybe there's a knitting needle or two, who knows. In addition to this nightmare of a mess, I have an unfinished latch hook and a midway or better finished crochet afghan in another closet. I have a box of fabric on my floor and more patterns in the leopard bench. Not to mention the have yet to arrive fabric and the have yet to buy fabric.

I went to walmart the other day to buy cheap storage drawers. I have only set foot in that store once before. I found one of the types I was looking for and ordered the other online and had it shipped free to the store for pick up later. Good enough to start the organization of everything but the large pieces of fabric.

I did take a picture of all the bags I pulled from the closet on the floor but it didn't come out for some reason. (Edit 7/24/12) I did find a picture of all the bags together prior to my organization

 I started with the fabric scraps keeping a list of the type, pattern, and the size of each piece. I managed to fit all of the smaller one after folding them pretty neatly into the top two drawers of the storage system I did get the other day. The majority of the yarn went in the next three drawers.

This is a picture of the 4 drawers from the stand on the right prior to my reorganization. Not all my cross-stitch stash was in here.

After everything was reorganized, I was left with 5 large bags of fabric and yarn that will be placed in the storage drawers that are on order. Along with 3 smaller bags which are in my bench for now. I got rid of 14 plastic bags.

I still have some organizing to do, I found leftover DMC thread from other projects which I need to sort into my main rings shown below. I may need to split them into four as they're tightly packed and I know I have some colors that don't already have bags there.

I also realized I never took a picture of the two fabrics I picked up at joann's a while ago.

I have added three pages to my blog with my stash listings. I will eventually have pictures linked next to most of the entries, especially the cross-stitch charts/kits eventually.


  1. Man, can I relate to this! About six months ago I did this to mine. I pulled everything out, sorted, culled, organized, and put everything back. It took me two full weekends! Congratulations on the start. I'm sure you'll love the finished product when you done as much as I did mine!

  2. Good luck with the organizing. I know what a big job it can be!


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