3/4 finished

She has legs! Soon she'll have the red shoes from the title.
This piece is still giving me fits. Earlier I thought they hadn't given me enough of one color and I'd have to pull a similar color from my DMC stash. I put it off because I didn't want to get up. Good thing I did because the next day I realized that was one of the colors they gave me a full skein of. I'm still frogging. I used the wrong color on one symbol.

And why, oh why, did Golden Kite have another up to 60% off sale? Good thing I'm participating in Mel's Stitch From Stash (see button on the right). It'll give me an additional incentive not to buy things. I'm going for one last stash binge tomorrow and that's it unless I absolutely need something. Anyway, these are my newly acquired pieces. And does anyone know if they sell 18ct fabric that can fit a 51x42 design? That's with 3 inch margins on all sides.

The Green Parasol
God Speed
Call to Arms
Vue de Kanderstein, Tyrol
Deux Femmes Dans Une Clairiere
Romeo and Juliet
Castle at the Upper-Italian
Landscape with a River
Leopard in Grass

I think I'm set for the next 30 years. Minus fabric and thread. I'm working on my new year's post so you'll hear again from me shortly.


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