Dwts season 18: week 7
Amy. She tried. But Derek was helping her out a lot. Anyone else would get picked on for being in hold the whole time. Due to her disability it had a bit of a jilted feel at times. And it was repetitive. Too high for me. James. He did move his hips. But there was a bit too much stationary section. He also had too many steps in the samba rolls. Too high. Danica. It felt careful, but part of that was the rib. Very simple for this point in the competition and not much actual salsa. I'll give them the scores but they were generous. Nene. The music didn't match. She still had the same problems as always. Careful and soft. Too high. Charlie. Really strange song choice. He seemed a bit hoppy at times. He should've been more grounded. He also seemed to high during his turns. I would've given 8s. Not a 10. Candace. I like her dress. The song and choreography was a little weird. Too much stopping. I'll give her the scores but a little high for me. Mer...