2/7 complete

I've completed the next row of pages on The Accolade. I stayed up really late to do it too. 131 rows are now complete.

So, back to crochet for a while and my new tree skirt.

Also got a new phone, so pictures are going to look a bit different again.

and it's November, which means it's time for NaNoWriMo again. As you can see below, I'm a bit behind with this year. I had a busy weekend and my muse has been distracted. So I'm not as 'in' this story as with other years. I am however writing something each day. Once I get to a section I know better I should be able to catch up. I'm also posting on Tablo should anyone feel like reading my very rough draft.


  1. I love how your The Accolade is turning out. I've had this one on my wishlist for years and years, but I've never bought it for some reason. Something else was always in the way, lol. Something always screams louder!!! Can't wait to see the next update.


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