DWTS Season 26: Week 2

Week 2, two dances including the team dance.

Josh. He had the character. But the posture was more lean back with upper body rather than forward with the hips. A little high but i'll give him the scores.

Jennie. She reminded me of a dressage horse. She kept picking her knees up to move like she was prancing. She never straightened her legs. Too high.

Kareem. Once again, he barely moved. And no hips. Way too high.

Chris. Not bad but he seemed to be looking up which caused his neck to look short and I think he could've tucked his butt under better. Performance and steps were good. Not a 9, I'd give 7s and 8s.

Tonya. What was with the bear? It was upbeat but almost felt too bright. Too high.

Mirai. That song does not scream foxtrot to me. It was danced well. I want the shoes. I agree with the scores.

Arike. She stood still too much and seemed way too careful when she moved. Too high.

Adam. Very good. Quick and sharp. I agree with the scores.

Team dance round.

Team 50s tennis. Hit me baby one more time as sung by Elvis. Okay... Kareem did nothing again. Tonya next to the pros was glaring. Shorts seemed a bit restrictive for jive... Too high.

Team 70s football. I liked that one better. I agree with the scores.

And Tom gets a glitter shower.

And going home is Arike and Kareem. I agree, they were the weakest.


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