cross-stitch WIPs

I did manage to start cleaning up that closet of mine. The big pieces of paper have been folded and placed in a bag, which then joined the pile on the floor. Oops?

Either way, I went through my cross-stitch to make a list of the pieces I had started it ends up looking like this:
1. GK's The Accolade ~25% completed
2. GK's The Arab Tent 4/5 pages of the pattern
3. GK's mountain landscape with a castle 15/20 rows of 50 stitches of first page out of 138 or something. (this is also known as my insanity piece)
4. TW's Millennium~2/3 completed of over 2 stitching.
5. TW's Peacock Tapestry, maybe about 2/3. Messed up on a blend and haven't worked on it since.
6. Dimension's Frederick
7. Dimension's Oriental Butterflies ~2/3 (travel project)
8. Dimension's jewels of the Orient ~3/4
9. Black Swan's Dewdrop Fairy ~1/6
10.A christmas stocking with 2 cat's. ~5/6. I believe the design is from vermillion stitchery. This is my first xs project, started in 1993 I believe.
11. Dimension's Sacred Connection
12. Dimension's Beuty from the deep (stamped xs) ~2/3
13. HEAD's Cinderella and the Prince. Barely started, didn't like how dark it was. Has anyone completed this one?
14. Dimension's Watchful Eyes (needlepoint, monochromatic leopards) ~1/4
15. Show horse Corral (needlepoint) ~2/3
16. Cats on the Quilts (longstitch)
17. Butterfly Pillow (needlepoint) ~1/4
18. Cats, Cats, Cats
19. Seashells (needlepoint)
20. Stargazer Lily

I may or may not have others that I'm just not aware of. I have floss and fabric to start several other projects.


  1. I have Cinderella and the Prince, but haven't started it. Do you have a picture of what you've done? It's one I've never seen a WIP of, so I'm really interested to hear you say you thought it was dark.

  2. I only started the upper left hand corner and it's all black and browns while the picture shows greens. I did have them rechart it for me, but I'm still a little skeptical. Maybe it looks better when the piece is finished. Don't know.


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