DWTS season 16: week 10 night 1

It's the finals! And for the first time, there are four couples.

The judges pick round.

Jacoby. Better then the last one. But he still walked through most if it. The kicks were most of the dance and got a bit repetitive. Too high.

Aly. I'm wondering where her hips were. Her legs were bent the entire time, and they faked the samba roll. They started with the arms but never moved the feet. Too high.

Kellie. Pretty good, although why did it go to Viennese waltz in the middle. I'll give them the scores.

Zendaya. Could have used a little more hips. It was better them Aly. There weren't too many moves that used the bounce, but that was the choreography. Interesting outfit. I'll agree with the scores.

Cha cha relay.

Kellie only did grapevines. I saw no cha cha in Jacoby's. Aly had some but was poorly done. Zendaya had lyres cha cha than Aly but her technique was better.
I'll agree with the ranking.

Freestyle round

Jacoby. I felt underwhelmed by it. Still a bit high, but I'll give it to them, just barely.

Aly. Eh. Don't know why they needed poles. Too high.

Kellie. Pretty with lots of interesting tricks. I don't know how much was dancing rather then moving with emotion. But it was better than the other two so far. I'll give them the scores.

Zendaya. Cute. I like how they did some ballroom. I'll agree with the scores.

Well, one more round of dancing and less than 24 hours until the next champion is crowned.


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