DWTS season 16: week 10 night 2

It's the results. Everyone's back in the ballroom.

And the first person going home is Aly.

The three female finalists didn't really add anything to that repeat pro number.

Wynonna is a much better singer than dancer. So tony gets to dance with Peta.

Lisa is still being dragged through her dances and the moves she does on her own are very tentative.

Dorthy is a very poetry dancer. Too bad she had rip leave so early. And Kristy was a nice addition.

Andy is still as bad as before, but funny.

Can Psy go away now? Very, very repetitive. And those pants. They are not attractive on anyone.

I like the song, but it's better executed as a quickstep.

I like Pitbull, but I happen to have heard too much from him the past few days.

Instant dances:

Jacoby. There is too many places where he wasn't moving. And salsa is not hard to get the steps and movement right. Looked a little funky to me. Too high but the judges are going to give everyone the same score tonight.

Kellie. Eh. Too many funky moves and not enough actual steps. she's nowhere near Julianne. Too high.

Zendaya. Much better jive than Kellie. She looked a bit off balance at time though. I don't think the sneakers let her spin as much as heels. Cute end. Lewinsky the only dance that deserved 30s.

Winner: Kellie. Zendaya should have won in my opinion.


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