I've been a bad girl

I didn't work on any cross-stitch this week. I was crocheting only. I got one side of the ripples done on the afghan.

But because of the repetitiveness, I alternated with a doily. I had done some of this earlier during one of my long breaks at school. When I got bored with making scarves.

But now for the reason for the title of this post. I've been very bad this week with acquiring stash.

Let's start with some I purchased these a few weeks ago at a local store, Annie's and Co., but kept forgetting to add them to my posts.

Be A Dragon by Enchanting Lair (came with the variegated thread and the charm)

28ct Cashel in Jade by Enchanting Lair (it's darker than the photo)

Mermaid's Love Tokens by Praiseworthy Stitches (came with the beads, pin, and fish)

I don't know what made me look at sew and so's site, but I did. And I noticed one of my wishlist items was discontinued and they only had 3 left in stock. So I caved and bought it. Along with the other dance themed ones I had found earlier, and 2 that I didn't previously. I browsed the sale page and found one (also discontinued), and then noticed a companion piece.

The two discontinued ones, Street Tango by Vervaco and Argentine Tango by RTO.

The others. Dance Me Out, Put on Your Red Shoes, and Studio Tango by Anchor, Foxtrot by RTO.

The sale items, both charts. The Priestess by Mystic Stitch and Unicorn Princess by DMC

Friday, due to coupons, I picked up these because I thought they were cute.

Also picked up some fabric remnants.
And patterns

I've been a very bad girl...


  1. I love the frogs Katie and that top with the lacing in the back is beautiful. Will that be for another dancing dress?

    1. Thanks, the frogs are cute. As for the top, I may use elements. It's actually the jacket part of an entire Victorian ensemble. I've put the pattern numbers on my pinterest board http://pinterest.com/khascat/sewing-patterns/ It has a slightly different picture there, but it's in the same fabric.

  2. Congrats on the excellent stash acquisition! I see more beautiful projects in your future :)



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