Dresses for sale

Due to my impending move into a smaller space, I've decided to sell three dance dresses I have. The first one is a smooth dress. I wore it in two competitions one summer. It's a very basic dress. I'm looking for ~500. Price can be negotiated. Here's a video of me dancing in it. The next dress is also a smooth dress. I used this the next year at the same set of competitions. It is actually a prom dress that I modified slightly. I attached a halter strap just in case the straps fell off. There is a little bit of tanner that I will try and get off if anyone is interested. It can also be used as a normal dress. It comes with the gloves that I glued sequins on. Some have come off but I believe I can supply you with the extras. ~200 for this one. Here's a video link: The third dress is a turquoise latin fringe dress. I absolutely adore this dress but due to losing weight last year and 2" off my hips, it no long...