First look at In the Garden

Ta da! One week of working on this (including downtime on Saturday's long preparation for the showcase) allowed me to get the top of one of the arches of the background done. I know it's not much, but at least it looks more like something than insanity.

On my crochet front, during the week I finished the accessories for the snowman. I'll take a picture when he's fully assembled. I also started working on the gingerbread house. I have 3 out of 4 walls done.

Another hobby of mine is writing. I know I don't speak of it often. Probably because I don't do it as often as I probably should and it's not very easy to show. I bring this up because it is almost a month away from NaNoWriMo. What is NaNoWriMo you ask? It's a challenge during the month of November to write a 50,000 word novel. I've participated the past two years and completed the challenge. I have yet to edit those novels but one is currently in a more publishable state than the other. I'm tempted to attempt it again this year but have to narrow down possible stories and then flesh them out enough to get myself to 50,000 words. Both years I've run out of planned scenes and reached the end of the story before I hit the word count. Thus I scrambled to come up with filler scenes. Anyone want to try it this year? We can be writing buddies on the site.


  1. I've thought of doing NaNoWriMo but have yet to do so. Maybe this is the year, but I have to figure whether I have the time. Theresa

  2. Excellent progress on Garden! and good luck with NaNoWriMo. I know that is 100% impossible for me this year.


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