Kitting up

I'm sure you all remember my chart stash I bought the other week. Well, I got almost all of the dmc thread needed to kit up 12 designs. Yes, 12. Two of which were already in my stash. I figure I'll have enough of some colors left over for later charts as well.

As there is a bbq at work friday, I'll probably be let out early so I can make another stop at Where Victoria's Angels stitch for specialty fibers and fabric. Then I hurry home and finish the skirt of my dress. I ned a test run of it Saturday.

My only dilemma is which to start first? As of right now I can start In The Garden as I'll be using the bolt of 18 ct aida I have. May also be able to start Stroke of Midnight, Celestial Dragon, Garnet Fairy, and Fantasy Triptych if I use the 28 ct fabric insanity used to be on and not get new 32 ct or a different color than antique white. In current order of calling to me they are: In The Garden Garnet fairy Dragon carousel Celestial dragon Tropical dream A dragons Best friend Fantasy triptych Happy ending Dragon dance Stroke of midnight Legend of the dragons Legend of the spell casters Thoughts or suggestions?


  1. Dude.. well, if it were me I'd start with whatever was calling me the most. So that is clearly In The Garden. Are the others close enough where you could assign them a number and pick them out of a hat? (or online random generator) Otherwise I'd go with whatever moves you the most. Out of curiosity, how many skeins of DMC was that?

  2. I would go with whatever is calling you the most.

  3. I'd say stitch the one that you do not want to wait on first. Stitching something you really like can help keep you motivated enough to work on the other projects. Good luck, and I can't wait to see your starts :)



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