SFS2015 - October

Month: October
Spent: 34.27
Earned: 47

Ha! I earned more than I spent this month. At least on cross-stitch/needlework.

My finishes for the month. I finished the tree right before I created this entry.

And now for my stash...

From Herrschners, which recently changed it's website and photo locations...

Also, Annie's had a sale. I keep meaning to get into quilting and buy things, but nothing's been made so far.

And the downloaded patterns.

But I was good and didn't purchase anything on 'I love yarn day'.


  1. Wow that horse looks amazing
    Never seen it before
    Great new stash :)

  2. Congrats on your finishes! What did you think of the tree as far as stitching? It's a beautiful result.

    1. Thank you. The directions were laid out well so I found it easy. It was a nice break from little x's all the time.

  3. Beautiful finishes!

    My blog: https://mansememories.wordpress.com/


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